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Electrical Issues (dash lighting and radio)

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    Electrical Issues (dash lighting and radio)

    My '94 DX has no dash lighting except for the fuel gauge, no horn and no radio due to the previous owner hooking up a pair of jumper cables backward. Though I'm just using the car as a commuter, I'd still like to get these items fixed as I may occasionally need to drive it at night. I'm just wondering where I need to start first. I'm decent with engines/mechanical items. I just stink at electronics.
    1994 Protege DX

    start with fuses.. both under hood and in the cabin. usually, if you hook a pair of jumper cables up backwards it will just blow the main 80 amp underhood fuse located in the engine bay. the fuse lid will tell you what the fuses are. check there first... the horn may not work because it was disconnected. the horn pad is known to deteriorate on our cars.
    miss my '93 LX at every corner
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      I did check the fuses in the engine bay and it looks like they are all good. The funny thing is that the radio has lights, it just doesn't work. It seems perhaps that there may be a wire gone or the instrument panel may have a bad diode. Anyone who has had this problem?

      The horn pad is a mess, so likely it was disconnected. I'll have to ask the previous owner.

      Got my insurance and tag yesterday, so it's officially MINE! Muahhhaahaha!
      1994 Protege DX


        Well, I rearranged the bulbs and found that, well...the cluster or a ground is probably gone. The radio is right above the ashtray and smells like smoke, so I may go ahead and replace it with something aftermarket, but the speakers are so cooked in the back, it might just be better to listen to headphones. Hey, at 35 mpg, I don't care.
        1994 Protege DX


          Well, I finally pulled the dash yesterday, and I found a former mouse house. Funny that the lighting problem was due to a hole chewed in the circuit sheet on the gauge cluster and not switched polarity. A quick trip to the pull a part this morning netted a brand new radio and a circuit sheet which both work beautifully btw for 20 bucks. Can't beat that can you?
          1994 Protege DX


            Nice nice. Good to hear you figured it out.

            If I were to find a mouse nesting in my car, I'd douse it with gasoline and burn it to the ground.


              I also found a pristine horn pad, a set of electric mirrors, a decklid and taillights all for less than $100. Now if I can just get that doggone alternator to quit squealing .
              1994 Protege DX


                Originally posted by jwzg View Post
                Now if I can just get that doggone alternator to quit squealing .
                Check the belt condition and tension.

