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MSP engine bug at 3500~4000 rpm

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    MSP engine bug at 3500~4000 rpm


    First time posting here. I drive a 2003.5 Protege Mazdaspeed. I have been experiencing a big loss of power at 3500~4000 rpm lately.The car seems to lose all power when I try to push it a little not too long after starting the car. Once I've driven the car for a little while, the problem goes away. It feels as if the turbo starts spooling and all of the sudden it cuts. Took it to the dealer yesterday, the changed a gas recycling valve but it didn't do anything. I live in Canada and temperatures at this time of the year are pretty low (-50F to -77F). I always let the car warm up until the temp. needle is in the right temperature range. Has anybody experienced this problem before? Thank you for your help!


    is your car modified?


      No, it's bone stock. The dealer spent the whole day on the car yesterday and they still don't have a clue what the problem is. What worries me is that I've posted this message in a few forums and no one seems to have experienced this problem before.


        The dealer found the problem. There was a leak in a vaccum hose going from the turbo to the engine. The put a plastic fitting between two hoses, which doesn't really reasure me.......

