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over charged

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    over charged

    theres been headline news around here about a guy who caught 3 kids trying to break into his girlfriends car. long story short, shots were fired, 2 of the kids wounded, one of them dead. he was charged, and today convicted with 1st degree intentional homicide. way overboard if you ask me. with all the times my cars and my house have been broken into, i cant say i wouldnt do the same thing, what do u guys think??

    That's ghey. What about trespassing and breaking and entering and ****?

    I would've at least beat them all badly with a baseball bat.


      don't matter if someones trying to break into your house & trips on a garden hose falls & breaks their arm. its your fault Welcome to the US
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      1992- project FE3..... 313 WHP @ 9.3psi

      I pet my dash when I get into the car..."good car"
      he actually has a mazda tree, parts grow on it


        its legal in florida to use deadly force to protect property, why not everywhere? the petty crime would go way down, just like violent crime goes down in places with conceal and carry laws. you never know whos packin


          i can see it both ways... 1) if you are ready to kill someone over a stereo have anger issues, especially if they dont return fire... if you just show up and bust-a-cap in all 3 of them killing one of them... there are other ways to take care of it... for instance take just one of them... you have the upper hand, and if worst comes to worst you can use your guy.

          basically the rules are to respect people right to live... some people (most likely like this guy) are just looking for a reason to shoot someone. giving someone the right to take a life over a stereo insuance would cover is not right... is a stereo worth a life? I am a person that HAS had my car stolen, it was litterally 3 days after i put a stereo in it when i DIDNT have the money, the stereo was a TOTAL impulse and i got to enjoy it 3 days. so i understand the feelings involved.

          Its hard... Ultimately that is why you have insurance. yell at them, let them know you know whats going on, maybe even tell them you have a gun and tell them to freeze, they will either scatter like the rodents they are or they will stand still and pee their pants. Its important to manage your anger and if that means you just have to let them off by making them run away so be it.

          i was just explaining it to my wife sitting next to me, it makes total sence... that guy went out there with a gun prepaired to shoot (according to the police use "lethal" force) he went out and unloaded a clip on these guys who probably didnt see the guy comming let alone the bullets... and this guys intensionally had a guy and took a mans life... all im saying is the title fits.
          There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


            also the point of the law is to protect everyone... ultimately the bad guys have the upper hand... i realized that when i saw a kid doing 90 past the bottom of my hill sideways and i jumped in my car and flew down there expecting to see heads separated from bodys... instead i saw all the passangers running and the driver climbing back into the car (the passanger door was too jacked up so he had to get out to let everyone else out) the driver then pulled out of the front yard he landed in (after hitting the owners mint 2000 ford ranger and fence)... i was ready to chase him considering on that hondas good day i would run circles around it. he fortunatly stopped when he realized by then there was a croud of 15 people standing in a group checking out the comotion and i was behind him. after he stopped we got out, and i yelled at him something to the affect of "you know you could have killed someone, RIGHT"? a neighbor ended up standing up for him yelling at me telling me "your not helping the situation"

            (sidenote) fortunatly this moron dissapeared because i would have layed into her, defending a prick that just crashed doing 90 through MY neighborhood landing in bushes 20 feet from a mother and children in their front room... this moron needs to feel stupid and know that not a single person condones what he did and its not acceptable. i wasnt in his face, i wasnt near him i was at my driver door and he was by his car. in hindsite im not half as pissed at this moron kid im more pissed that that prick stood up for him.

            ANYWAY... he went to jail im positave released later that day or the next day... i believe the day after or the following day my dad came out to find one of his tires had been slashed.

            FORTUNATLY they didnt touch my car, i was worried but i KNOW it was them... and ultimately i can stress and stress and plot and plot but at the end of the day Evil will outdo good because good doesnt touch evil, evil doesnt care about anything an to take something that doesnt care for anything vs something that not only cares about everything but wont do anything that would really punish evil because that would lower them to the same level... Evil can come any time of the night and there is always more and more evil can do to get to you and cost you more and more money.

            all of that to say get a 100 dollar deductable if you dont want people stealing your stuff... if its really that important to you that you could feel comefortable taking a persons life, maybe it would be worth it for you to get a garage. The world sucks, good will never beat evil on earth. but if your "good" waiting to take an "evil" life for 500 dollars i think your worse than them.

            i know im writing forever... but i have a friend that just served a week in the jail my dad works at because he was cought breaking into a car... this is a good kid that went to a christian college that has just been hanging out with bad people, and to think that someone thinks its alright to take his life for example over a 500 dollar stereo blows my mind. im not making excuses for his actions infact i think very little of what hes doing with his life right now but i still love him (in a straight as an arrow way). to say its ok to kill young petty offenders when there are murders and rapists running around is crazy when breaking into a car is not just scum of the earth its some decent kids hangin out with bad kids.

            im not defending any theft, i understand the feeling as i mentiond, but its not worth a human life imo.
            There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


              what do you think people do with stolen stereos? u think they just take one for their own car? no, they take all of them they can find and sell em. then they take that money and buy drugs. then they get hooked on drugs. then they need more drugs. then they steal a whole car or rob somebody. it all starts out small. then they kill somebody, but its not their fault, because they were on drugs. then somebody kills them, but its such a sad ****in story because nobody helped them. go to school, get a job, and mind your own business, america's crime and political problems solved. i dont feel bad for the kid who died at all. i do feel for his family, and the decent guy who is going to jail for the rest of his life because he was defending his property. you can only push some people so far, im sure it wasnt the first time he was ripped off. the police dont do anything about it, somebody has to. i bet there wont be another break in in that for sure, so in one way justice was served.


                ok your defence of this guy is full of "im sure" and "probablys" the story you gave is his car was being broken into.... he opened fire hitting all three guys and killing one... "probablys" are just twisting the story to defend poor judgment.

                according to you he used lethal force against 3 people breaking into his car... what we dont know is what happened to cause the blood shead... there are multiple ways it could have played out and judging by the fact he is in jail i would imagin its the first way im going to say:

                1)He came out with a gun ready to shoot them to "defend" his property. shots rang out and they tried to scatter but he continued to shoot killing one person and injuring 2 of them.

                2)He came out and drew his gun... the theifs then charged him trying to take him out and he opened fire.

                considering hes in jail, im sure it was number 1 and the boys ended up face first on the ground riddled with a clip of lead in their backs. deadly force is NOT ok. i dont care what they do with the stereo. I know by my story about my friend he is not down with those drugs, he is a drinker for sure, but hes not using the goods for drug money. It was just something stupid he did, he doesnt know for sure why, he gained very little out of it.

                the only way i would ever harm a human is if they threatened my family, my wife or my well being... and even then i would not try to kill them... i would do something like jab an eye out or slice a finger off... something that will make them remember for the rest of their lives what they did. my dad tought me that tactic being a corrections officer he cannot carry a gun because he is in with guys all the time, the last thing they need to do is arm the bad guys because he could not get them before they got it. Has told me storys of being in REALLY hairy situations, where the room is about to explode and he is the only uniform surrounded by thugs and killers. he told me you go for the guy that started it and riled everyone up and make him remember starting that fight... you might not make it out alive but he will pay the rest of his life (aka eyes).

                trust me i wanted to take a bat to the pricks that stole my car, but what are you going to do? Your going to comit a felony against someone commiting a misdemeanor? how is that justice?

                also if you look at it mature you will realize the pricks that are breaking into your car will be paying for their actions the rest of their lives, constantly in and out of prison never being able to do anything productive with their lives... so really if you thing about it you have the last laugh, it is hard for the human male to take that stab at his pride to just forget about it. but ultimately all you want to do is make their already crappy lives even more crappy... thumbs up to you buddy!

                Im not condoning it, and infact i plan on waiting to get a house till i find one with a large enough garage to park my vehicles in it, and i plan on doing just that.... my vehicles will have alarms, you need to do your part to prevent it instead of sitting back with a book of cds on the passanger seat and the detachable face still attached to the cd player with no alarm... waiting to punish the smart fool that chose your easy snag over the car down the street with an alarm, just so you can take a human life is outrageous that you defend that. this world sucks, theft sucks, but considering that you have to stand up against the theifs BEFORE the theft instead of wanting to kill them afterward.
                There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


                  Guy who used to live next to my friend had his bike stolen and he chased the guy with a bat but couldn't catch him. Called the cops, etc. Cop said "good thing you didn't hit him or we'd have to arrest you and charge you". And that was like 6+ years ago. Its worse now gawd damn i hate this country! Anywho then 3 years ago or so when i worked security they refused to give me even mace to protect myself as they feared being sued. Mind you i worked 3rd shift, alone and they wanted me to walk dark areas in the heart of our WONDERFUL capital!
                  Last edited by Tazman2; 11-15-2006, 02:27 PM.
                  **SOLD** 93 EGT with more suspension mods then your average riced out civic's # of decals + useless "bling/style/culture" mods! **SOLD**
                  95 EGT New beater! And gawd damnit shes NOT pink!


                    also you must really consider what you want to do, you want to commit a violent crime against a non violent offender and you feel justice isnt being done? im beating a dead horse saying i know what it feels like to have that done, it sucks but the united states values life over possesions... it sucks at time to be the good person but ultimately you might as well be out robbing banks if you think its ok to kill someone who isnt doing any harm to you.

                    the TRAINED police cannot even use deadly force against a thief unless they feel their life is at risk. i want to find out how these guys were shot... sitting running or attacking, there was no risk of life at all there was only punishment being delt by the man, and its not his say what their punishment is, move to iraq if you think that. the were probably shot sitting on their butts or running not putting up a fight at all... the man is where he belongs, he layed down his own law in anger and took a life... the REAL law put him where he belongs... the more his side is argued the more i agree with myself. (call that stubborness or being right)
                    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


                      Yes but in some cases if the cops or anybody else doesn't start protecting themselves initially then 10 seconds later said criminal becomes more violent and hurts/kills you instead. Its really a shaky topic and all depends how you look at it but when in the end you can't even protect yourself nor your stuff you realize how f'd the laws really are when you go to jail just trying to keep your life when coming home from trying to get some chicken from KFC!
                      **SOLD** 93 EGT with more suspension mods then your average riced out civic's # of decals + useless "bling/style/culture" mods! **SOLD**
                      95 EGT New beater! And gawd damnit shes NOT pink!


                        FYI the reason i go for so long defending myself is because i am 150 miles from anything in the middle of alaska... its about -30 F right now and i have nothing better to do.

                        onto my stance:

                        yes i will not debate with you that its unfair, the bad guys have the upper hand when doing petty crimes. they always are more likely to get away using legal force agains them and you just pay.

                        What you guys are not realizing is it is YOUR fault if you feel you have to kill someone to protect your STUFF... your 15 yr old vehicle you think is worth a LIFE because your to CHEAP to protect yourself... you would rather spend 500 dollars on a gun that will land you in jail than 600 dollars a year for a low deductable.

                        another thing... yes you put your time and money into your car, yes i was there too, a car full of stuff an insurance company would never understand, full of jdm parts i paid up the butt for that im not sure if i would get a penny for had it been stolen. But you have to decide if you want to be so selfish that you would rather KILL than prevent.

                        nothing is perfect of course, you could spend a bunch of money to prevent, and still be ripped off, but ANYTHING can be broken into, you just want to encourage the thief to go down the block to another car... do you ever watch those home invasion showes on tlc... where that ex thieves break into a house, steal everything of value, then give it back and tell the people what they do wrong... one of the first things they ALWAYS mention is the security sign in the front yard. similar to a car, do your part to deture the thieves then you wont need to KILL a person.

                        what killes me is that you so condone murder, when like i said the only reason i would consider that is if my family/wife/me were at risk, Where im at right now me and my wife are running a store... the house we are staying in is huge and we run a bed and breakfast in the back (there are alot of people comming in and out that need a place to stay a night or two).... one of the guys touched my wife questionably tonight... she killed a bean stew (went away from it, it ran out of water and dried to a bean mush) he came up behind her and put his hand on the small of her back and told her it was good earlier, it was too bad it dried up. this is just some random guy staying in the back of our house, putting his hands on my wife... the though crossed my mind, what if he did push the line while i was down in the store... what would i do, then the though of my gerber blade pearcing his flesh when i heard about it, it killed ME, the though of my hands doing that, and its for my WIFE not a stupid piece of stamped metal.
                        There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

