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Aqua Teen "bomb" scare

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    Aqua Teen "bomb" scare

    I laughed my balls off, mostly at the lite brights being blown up. Search you tube for some footage. I cannot believe that people actually thought this was real, considering they have been up for WEEKS in other cities.
    BP-05 Turbo-Sold
    2004 MK4 AWP Jetta GLI

    pretty funny.

    "Using a key to gouge expletives on another's vehicle is a sign of friendship." -Ignignot

    lol...did anybody happen to catch the [adult swim] commercials last night? they were probably pretty funny...


      Originally posted by elscotto80 View Post
      [url]I cannot believe that people actually thought this was real, considering they have been up for WEEKS in other cities.
      The media has been known to blow **** up and cause panic. Lucky for them this country is full of more morons then people who actually have a brain so they still have jobs scaring people with non sense and causing a stur, etc.!
      **SOLD** 93 EGT with more suspension mods then your average riced out civic's # of decals + useless "bling/style/culture" mods! **SOLD**
      95 EGT New beater! And gawd damnit shes NOT pink!


        lol. that's awesome! count on someone to take life WAAAAY to seriously.

        "It's got wires!!! it must be a bomb! *gasp*"

        What in this world DOESN"T have wires these days? seriously
        '95 EGT 1.8
        '93 ELX 1.9 SC
        '91 ELX 1.9


          haha oh man i saw this sheit on tv today and almoust spit my breakfast back up!!! too freaken funnay!!!!
          Originally posted by 90prtege
          have you heard a yaris drive by you??? it says immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgayyyyyyyyy!!!!
          Originally posted by Turpro
          Fk the family. Drugs and hookers take priority first

          bpt323: broom break
          CRZbrussian: that sux
          CRZbrussian: get swifer wet
          CRZbrussian: ****s aluminum


            the ****ing united states- IDIOTS!!!! plain stupid idiots it rather should of been a bomb, now that its publicized i wouldn't doubt it if someone does make one a bomb....

            how blonde can someone be, It had a battery & wires coming off of lit up..... GEE i wonder what the batteries are running????
            yet another reason the united states is unfavorable to live in if you have any sort of common sense.
            ---Has ClubProtege helped you in someway? show your support by Contributing--- Click Here---

            1992- project FE3..... 313 WHP @ 9.3psi

            I pet my dash when I get into the car..."good car"
            he actually has a mazda tree, parts grow on it


              i find its best to discuss the topic with other hilarious mooninite quotes

              Ignignot: You and your third dimension.
              Frylock: What about it?
              Ignignot: Oh nothing, it's cute. We have five.
              Ur: Th-thousand.
              Ignignot: Yes, five thousand.
              Ur: Don't question it!
              Frylock: Oh yeah? Well, I only see two.
              Ignignot: Well that sounds like a personal problem.


                Wicked dumb.

