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With My Deepest Sorrow

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    With My Deepest Sorrow

    Well guys I regret to say I will no longer be a member of the Protege community. I received the bad news today that the car is totaled. There is a very minor chance that I will be able to revive it. I'd like to thank all the guys and gals I have met on here for all their help and support. I think the only way I will get the Protege back on the road again is through a lawsuit. To the people who have told me that it is just a car. I say to you, that you have no clue. Cars to many of us become our children. I know I would do anything for mine. I have poured all my money into this car along with my time, blood, and tears. My compensation is not going to be enough to afford any car worth a ****. So it looks like I will completely leave the car culture. I just don't have the strength to start all over again. I guess I figured this day would come sooner or later, I just didn't know it would happen now. And to the lady who hit me, she will never realize how much pain this has caused me. Through the Protege I became someone I have always longed to be. I have met many many people who I have developed friendships with. The car brought me admiration and respect from my town. When in the car I became someone I never imagained I would be. It has helped me became more outgoing and confident. But again, I would like to thank everyone here. I will still be around from time to time, but don't expect to see much of me. I need to just stay away from cars. Hopefully soon I can start parting the car out. But that is still unclear.

    Greg McCorkle

    your so full of **** dude.....

    if you are for reall, that ****ing sucks, buy the car back for 10% of the total cost and repair it to the best of your ability.. There is no way that thing is totalled. i mean damn you didnt even crack your windsheild washer resevoir. IM PISSED OFF. i really am this **** pisses me off, its like someones got sompin against a pimp proto....but hey now to be selfish, this means you have cheap parts right?....
    According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

    Todays thought of the day:

    Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

    Mitch Hedberg


      **** scratch that ill buy it back from them....i bring it back to life.
      According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

      Todays thought of the day:

      Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

      Mitch Hedberg


        No I'm dead serious about all of this. Things are looking real dark. If this doesn't get resolved in my best interest. I can't say the lady who hit me, and btw is still denying it after the police report was issued to everyone, isn't done with me yet.


          get a lawyer man, i know you know alot of them, youve put too much time and money into that car, and theres no way theyll compensate you properly....well at least if they let you take all your accessories you can sell them here, and **** get a wrx and not have to dump any cash into it.
          According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

          Todays thought of the day:

          Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

          Mitch Hedberg


            That sucks hardcore man! Fight that ****. You have the best looking 3rd gen out there, I would HATE to see it leave before you had that **** boosted like you were planning.
            2013 Dodge Dart Aero


              DAMN DUDE! that blows, i hope you and i can still talk on aim. dont leave me man, hope all goes well.
              .....HELLO MY NAME IS BEN...

              torque monster!!!!
              dyno graph 8-10-and 12psi
     dyno vid



                The thing is I can't afford to start all over again. It took me almost 3 years to get where I am now.


                  3rd gens are purtier...

                  (uh oh)
                  According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

                  Todays thought of the day:

                  Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

                  Mitch Hedberg


                    I have no plans at all to get a 1st gen. The just don't appeal to me. Just not my style.


                      dude buy that damn car back, it could only mean a profit for you....if they give you 6k or so for your car, use 1k to buy it back, then use the other 5k to fix it and finish your turbo,,,,i dont care what they say its not totaled
                      According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

                      Todays thought of the day:

                      Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

                      Mitch Hedberg


                        well man i know you aren't down and all the way out. maybe a little bloddy, and in the ebb of confidence. no man lets 3 years of his life go. if you need an army to stand behind you just ask. If you know you are not in the wrong then fight. this lady sounds like she has been in the situation before and that is why she is making your life hell. i rarely say this but SUE.... DAMNIT SUE!! you have every right to be compensated for her stupidity. Find a lawyer to take the case and run with it,. you are in the land of opertunity(sp), here is your chance to avenge your car! i mean i can't offer much, but i'll help where i can if it means you'll fight for your car.
                        When you turn your car on... does it return the favor?

                        Originally posted by goldstar
                        Yes, still have it. It was my attempt to immortalize you in verse.

                        A Protege driver named Brock
                        Once said 7 seconds he'd clock.
                        So his engine he goosed
                        With much too much boost,
                        And drove a rod through his block.


                          Greg, I understand exactly how you feel about this. I was sideswipped a few months after purchasing my car. It was right after I got used to driving it and started to really like it. I woke up one morning and the entire passanger side of the car was in peices. At the time I kinda hoped it was totaled so I could get the car I really wanted (because I did NOT want a Protege). But after they said it could be salvaged and fixed, I was alittle upset but I was stuck driving my moms 89 camaro for 2 months while it sat in front of the body shop, (they said they were "fixing" it) The days went by and all I wanted to do was drive a stick again. I got the car back and it was never the same but I started making it more of what I wanted, since I had no way of getting out of it for at least a year or 2.
                          Thats when it became my life. My car became an extension of myself. It was there for me when I was sad and had no one to run to, upset and needed to vent or happy and wanted to cruise. My car was the only thing that ever stayed true in my entire life. And I began to see it as much more then just a metal machine. It became a huge part of who I am. Alot of the people I know today I met because of that car. I have a lot to be thankful for. I know that at some point in the future I am going to have to give her up. I made a vow that the only way that car would ever leave me is if it was demolished in a crash. If the engine dies I already have plans for it.

                          A lot of people laugh at me because of the way I feel about my car. I have my reasons for feeling the way I do about it and I dont need to justify that to anyone but myself. Don't look back and be upset because you dont have it any longer. You should look back and smile and remember all the great things this car has brought you. Remember that it got you where you are today in some small way and that just because you dont have the protege anymore doesnt mean we or anyone else for that matter are going to look down upon you. If anything we now know what you are capable of. Im a die hard car fan. I dont know nearly as much about cars and you do, but I do know that when Im done with the car or if it unfortunately is destroyed I will want to work on something else. True it will never be my protege, but I would go insane if I didnt have something else to wrench at.


                            ^^^she must be listening to that new "let it burn" song.....dont be sad guys/gals your gonna make me sad.
                            According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

                            Todays thought of the day:

                            Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

                            Mitch Hedberg


                              itll be cool greg, the insurance companies always try to take the easy way soon as they get a call from a lawyer theyll pay sound like youve givin up and want to drive that saturn.
                              According to my Anger Management Counselor, after 26 weeks of anger management class, I should be an expert when it comes to Anger Management...tell that to the guy who threw a starburst at my car in rush hour traffic...haha

                              Todays thought of the day:

                              Rice is great if your really hungry and want to eat 2000 of something.

                              Mitch Hedberg

