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Rattle Canning Done OK :)

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    Rattle Canning Done OK :)

    Ok, so The Silver of my 323 was all bad. Sun burned, scratches everywhere... so I went out, bought some Krylon Ultra-Flat Black and some paint thinner, and some Clear coat, and some Finish Sand. With some cheesy scotchbrite imitations (that actually turned out really good) I finsih sanded the whole car, washed it (rinsed it off) then wiped the whole thing down with paint thinner (acetone). We then masked off everything, gave it a coat, Notice the strips in the pic with the fat kid (Nastey Nate as we call him), anyways, we scotchbrite padded it during coats (lightly) and then let it dry. After 15 mins we taped off for Euro Strips, and we painted those with Clear Coat. Looks pretty sweet. all in all, great paint job for $40. And it is well worth the extra for good paint.

    I had to go coach soccer so I wasn't able to get day pics. I will get a couple tomorrow.
    Attached Files

    Mexican: "You wanna race for titles?"
    Mormon: "lol, no, I don't want your car."

    what makes bodyshop paint jobs so good??

    and rattle can paint jobs or ameteur paint jobs mediocre??

    is it just the nozzel quality on the sprayer, the consistent pressure they have, the high quality paint they use??

    cause im just wondering what the secret is to high quality looking paint jobs!
    anyways, the car looks good tho!!
    how long did it take to do that?


      all in all. dman good paintjob. cant wait to see finished pics
      1992 Ultra Blue Metallic EGT - The 'scort with no name - crap>reliable daily>rallycross prep>stage rally
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        Heres to tigerstriped hoods.


          That's a good job for a ghetto paint job.
          To answer Pigeon:
          Spray cans have coarse spraying nozzles, low pressure, lack of consistent pressure, you need to shake them, and the actual paint isn't the same kind or the same quality. Also, it's a lot harder to get a nice finish with a spray can, even if the other things weren't factors, it's just more awkward. You'll never get a gun finish out of a can.


            Originally posted by firelizard
            That's a good job for a ghetto paint job.
            To answer Pigeon:
            Spray cans have coarse spraying nozzles, low pressure, lack of consistent pressure, you need to shake them, and the actual paint isn't the same kind or the same quality. Also, it's a lot harder to get a nice finish with a spray can, even if the other things weren't factors, it's just more awkward. You'll never get a gun finish out of a can.
            I agree with everything except the last line. My auncle does better with a can then a couple body shops here in town do...

            Mexican: "You wanna race for titles?"
            Mormon: "lol, no, I don't want your car."


              Ok got some snap shots before I leave for work. Paint still had dew on it for the most part. But I don't think it effected anything too much. Except the roof maybe.
              Attached Files

              Mexican: "You wanna race for titles?"
              Mormon: "lol, no, I don't want your car."


                Looks good, but personally I think it should be the other way around - the car shiney, the stripes flat.

                Should've painted the bumpers too, though you can use tireshine on them and they look very nice.

                1994 Protege BP-Turbo.....1994 Miata Supercharged.....2003 Protege5 stock DD.....1988 323 GT Turbo
                On the road soon: 2003 Protege5 V6 swap
                My vB Gallery - Full Information and Photos of My Mazdas


                  Originally posted by pigeon
                  what makes bodyshop paint jobs so good??

                  and rattle can paint jobs or ameteur paint jobs mediocre??

                  is it just the nozzel quality on the sprayer, the consistent pressure they have, the high quality paint they use??

                  cause im just wondering what the secret is to high quality looking paint jobs!
                  anyways, the car looks good tho!!
                  how long did it take to do that?
                  A large part of the difference is the prep and finish work. If you took the time to sand the car, then wet sanded the spraypaint, you would have a hard time telling the difference between a rattlecan and a gun job (assuming we're talking about a basic single color), except the rattlecan would take much more finish work. The paint in the rattle can will fail (because of UV and weather mainly) much faster than a quality paint as well, and the guns put out an infinitely better spray pattern and dispersal compared to a rattlecan as well, obviously.

                  When it comes down to it the "secret" to a great paint job is spending time sanding before and after you spray.

                  Anyway nice flat black job.


                    i wanna respray my engine bay when the motors out, but i want it to last long and look good
                    im gonna buy a book


                      rattle can paint doesnt have a proper hardner in it. so it wont withstand Paint thinner or anything like factory paint does.


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                      91 USDM Protege LX - SOLD! turbo/manifold up for sale!


                        Anybody tried to Rhino-line their car yet?

                        I was thinking of doing that just becuase you can and they've proven that it will fill small gaps(scratches, dings, and small dents) and prevent future mishaps. I guess they just started painting whole cars with the stuff and it's hard to find a place thet'll do it due to how thin the coats need to be.

                        I'm thinking of having it done though cause they treated a cynder block and dropped an untreated one from 20ft and it shattered and then the treated one from the same height and it bounced!

                        I guess it's about $1000 to have done, but if it prevents future scars, then it's worth it.

                        I just wonder if the DIY roll-on works?

                        Looking for an Interplay Bumper!!!!


                          Originally posted by Suzuka323
                          Anybody tried to Rhino-line their car yet?

                          I was thinking of doing that just becuase you can and they've proven that it will fill small gaps(scratches, dings, and small dents) and prevent future mishaps. I guess they just started painting whole cars with the stuff and it's hard to find a place thet'll do it due to how thin the coats need to be.

                          I'm thinking of having it done though cause they treated a cynder block and dropped an untreated one from 20ft and it shattered and then the treated one from the same height and it bounced!

                          I guess it's about $1000 to have done, but if it prevents future scars, then it's worth it.

                          I just wonder if the DIY roll-on works?
                          Try it up and let us know Matt.

                          I was thinking of spraying rhino-liner on my rockers and the bottom of my fenders just to prevent chipping and rusting.

                          Some kid at my school did it himself to his blazer, and it came out pretty good.


                            I might have to, they can match just about any color now.

                            When the car's paid for(long story), I'll get a loan to finish her off(things in sig.), but until then, it's all the small stuff that's getting done, up next... tint!

                            I'll let you know how it goes, the car should be done by the end of the year.

                            Looking for an Interplay Bumper!!!!


                              ya, we were thinking about that, but the only thing that is it adds like 50-100lbs of rhino liner to the car. And that would make one heavy body...

                              Mexican: "You wanna race for titles?"
                              Mormon: "lol, no, I don't want your car."

